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Three key remote recruitment best practices and hiring strategies

Posted December 14, 2021
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Tech-driven remote recruiting is emerging as a competitive advantage for companies looking for talent.

According to the latest information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in November 2021, there are 6.9 million potential workers who are unemployed and yet, the data also shows that there are 10.4 million open jobs. The hunt for talent is apparent in labor market data collected by statistics firm EMSI, which says job postings have increased by 33% year-over-year.

“Today, roles are being created at a record pace across key industries like tech, healthcare, fintech, eCommerce and customer service,” writes Albert Galarza, global vice-president of human resources at TELUS Digital, in a recent article for Forbes. All industries are facing an unprecedented demand for frontline employees with up-to-date skills. At the same time, the pandemic has prompted many Baby Boomers to consider early retirement, while parents of young children look to reduce hours or seek more flexible work.

“Despite the increase in demand and roles created, the number of people working or looking for jobs has declined,” writes Galarza. “Since the start of the pandemic, millions of Americans have stopped working or halted their job search.”

For organizations, the disparity between available jobs and interested candidates could be stunting growth, derailing project timelines and even degrading the customer experience (CX). “As the global pandemic continues to evolve, organizations continue to assess its impacts on their operations and ability to meet the needs of their customers,” writes Galarza. “They’re all asking the same question: How can our company attract and retain the top talent needed to remain competitive?”

Remote recruiting is a viable solution to overcoming the workforce divide, and brands who embrace the practice stand to uncover additional benefits.

Winning at remote recruiting

The same virtual tools deployed by organizations since the start of the pandemic to keep decentralized teams connected and productive can help reimagine the hiring process. Cloud platforms, video conferencing, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation have helped make businesses more efficient while improving both employee and customer experiences. These technologies have enabled employees to work from anywhere, and to do so effectively.

Remote recruiting, on the other hand, allows employers to hire from anywhere. It gives them the opportunity to connect with candidates across vast geographical distances, building a more diverse team that reflects a diverse customer base.

But remote recruiting isn’t as simple as rehashing in-person activities. The market, and candidate expectations, have changed. In short, brands need to be mindful of new elements when putting a remote recruiting strategy in place. This is how.

1. Use the right technology

Access to tools like AI, machine learning and data analytics platforms can empower organizations to cast a wider net and optimize their list of candidates. These technologies allow employers to automate tasks like background checks or identifying candidates with relevant qualifications.

From there, brands can conduct virtual interviews where hiring managers and candidates can connect on a personal level. Unlike in-person interviews, virtual creates an opportunity to be location-agnostic and interview viable candidates wherever they are. What’s more, these interviews can also be recorded so those unable to attend have the opportunity to share their feedback afterward.

Also beneficial is the fact that technology can streamline the hiring process. For example, TELUS Digital has streamlined the remote recruitment process to take less than 125 minutes — from online application to new hire training. This degree of efficiency creates an effortless candidate experience while also introducing ‘customer first’ branding from the initial interaction with the candidate.

However, remote recruiting requires additional due diligence. Employers must be aware of all privacy laws in their jurisdiction and ensure that they’re compliant and transparent with prospective candidates about how their data will be used and shared.

2. Establish the right processes

The move to remote work has affected corporate culture. According to the Achievers Workforce Institute’s 2021 Engagement and Retention Report, 42% of those surveyed say they believe their company culture “has diminished since the start of the pandemic.” Of those who said they felt less connected to their company now than before the pandemic, a significant portion blamed a lack of employer effort to communicate and make people feel connected.

Remote recruiting strategies are an opportunity to rectify this situation. With the right approach, the hiring process can reflect the culture of engagement at the organization itself. It’s an opportunity to introduce the candidate to the culture and see if it’s the right fit for them.

“A strong company culture can often be the deciding factor for top talent who often receive competing offers in today’s job market, as flexible work schedules and styles can often trump more traditional benefits in the post-pandemic economy,” writes Galarza.

For new hires coming from a remote recruiting process into a remote work situation, organizations have an opportunity to make that sense of corporate culture and engagement shine through during the onboarding process. It’s just as much about introducing them to the role as it is immersing them in the community.

3. Find the right partner

There can be a steep learning curve to adopting remote recruiting practices, and with competition for talent so high, brands need to make sure they’re doing it effectively. Employee expectations are changing and organizations need to be explicit and open to offering a spectrum of work styles, including remote, hybrid, gig and part-time roles.

This is where a partnerships can help. Working with a digital CX provider with deep expertise on the current and emerging technology solutions and best practices can make your processes more efficient. They will also be able to create an engaging candidate experience from virtual job fairs and digital interviews right through to remote hiring, training, coaching and workforce management.

In the age of decentralized workplaces and remote recruiting, creating a positive candidate experience is the differentiator.

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